Crta Castellón Km 4,400 | 50013 Zaragoza


Hispano Vema is one of the preeminent leaders in manufacturing, designing, and development of CBRN decontamination solutions. With these solutions, we strive to reduce risks and save lives in Hazmat incidents with chemical, radiological or biological agents. Our CBRN Decontamination Solutions are known for their innovative designs and they provide a complete range of Decon capabilities for People, Vehicles, Materials, Ground and Electronic Equipment decontamination.

CBRN Decontamination systems provide an efficient solution to every potential scenario of CBRNe incidents such as building interiors, urban center, and critical infrastructures etc. Decontamination solutions are useful for critical infrastructures as they guarantee an effectual decontamination of contaminated equipment while protecting its integrity and functionality.

Our wide range of CBRN Decontamination Solutions includes Decon Agents, Decon Apparatus, Rapid Deployment Systems and Massive Decon Stations.

Hispano Vema Decon Agents are tested in Field Conditions with Live Agents that proffer an effective decontamination for radiological, chemical (TICs or CWAs) or biological agents. We have a dedicated and qualified staff having intensive experience in the development and manufacturing of decontamination solutions (NATO STANAG 2150: NATO Standards of Proficiency for NBC Defense) and a high motivation to achieve efficient products.