IDM S.r.l

IDM S.r.l

Via Feltrina Sud, 28, 31044 Montebelluna (TV), Italy.

Military inverter

Military inverter

IDM’s inverter units, which are developed and tested in order to ensure they function perfectly in combination with our PMGs, allow a perfect sinusoidal-output wave at fixed frequency, even when the engine speed and the output loads are rapidly and significantly changing.

IDM’s inverter units can work in tough environments, and are internally protected from overload, short-circuiting and over-heating.

In the range from 1kVA to 12kVA the inverters operate as single-phase units, while when the power increases to more than 12kVA, they become three-phase devices.

Some types of inverters are specifically dedicated to the welding process. These work very effectively both with all coated electrodes, and with Tungsten electrodes with Inert Gas (TIGs).

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