Significant scenarios introduced in ICT era for defense industry 12 April 2018

ICT is the acronym for Information and Communication Technology and it has introduced a variety of transformations in defense industry in terms of advancements in their weapons like smart weapons and management for battlefield in network-centric, superiority in air and outer space, real time combat surveillance and force multipliers on basis of software.

Looking into smart weapons, ICT has changed the way of entire defense industry in grand manner. Industry has produced dumb bombs previously and with the help of ICT defense industry produced smart weapons. These are very efficient and accuracy is very high. With the help of this the individuals are able to communicate much frequent and inform their weapon status to their commanders. If they require weapons very urgently based on situation in battlefield they can seek them very comfort to target their enemies and accurately destroy the target without creating any damages to surroundings.

Examples of smart weapons are like air-to-air missiles that can target enemy’s aircrafts with speed. Another one is used in sea to find and identify whether enemy ship is can be destroyed with the help of vibrations like targeted one is military ship or civilian ship.

Present, robots are being produced to replace human individuals in battlefield. These all are possible by the ICT and advancements taken place in that by artificial intelligence system for defense industry.

When we observe network centric battlefield management, it is a new approach and with the help of this military can able to manage their battlefield with the use of ICT advantages. Using this military commander can monitor his army and decide whether he is stronger than the enemy’s line. The benefits from network-centric battlefield management are like observing military force position in battlefield and force of causalities and ammunition supply level.

Network-centric devices helps in intra-troop communication improvement and a leader for his squad can identify and classify friendly armed forces and hostile enemy forces. These are possible with the advancements by ICT and wireless devices.

Surveillance for real time combat is the extension for the previously discussed network centric battlefield management. In this the details will be sent to command center as feeds. Military forces are with well equipped electronic devices to follow their commander orders.

Superiority in air as well outer space is the greater advancement from ICT for defense industry and this facilitated defense industry to produce very high-end military equipments which are used by air forces across the world. There are lot of electronic devices exist in market with advancements in ICT components like interceptor jets, UAV’s and satellites for military to monitor targets continuously.

Force multipliers with the software are the one which has greater advantages for defense industry. The above discussed equipments are nothing if there is no brain to control and think about it. Due to these army forces reached their capability optimally. To say in other way, with the introduction of ICT era in defense industry the focus of industry moved from hardware base force multipliers to software based force multipliers.

Most of defense industry companies have dedicated separate departments which are specialized in military for software development. This software involves in many hardware equipments like battlefield management system, long range radar and GPS and missile active guidance system etc.

In fact if any company wants to enter in global defense industry, software development is the best option because of the scope that has by ICT. The contribution from them in military software development is very high.